Southern Hills’ Opening Makes The News!
After a long winter, we officially opened our Farmington-based golf course, Southern Hills, on April 6, 2013. Proud to be one of the first openings this year, and with our course in great shape, we were paid a visit by WCCO to ask us about our start to the season. In case you didn’t catch the news, check out some of our golfers and Nate Cardin, our golf pro, featured in this golf news story:
To catch the full video and write-up, check out the article here.
Although all of our excitement to start the season may have been a bit premature, we were able to sneak in a good weekend of golf before the snow fell on us yet again. We are hoping for the weather to hold up and allow you all to get on the course again this weekend and certainly by early next week. As soon as the course and range are officially ready, we will make an official announcement. Until then, you can stay ahead of the rush by booking a tee time here:[button link=”” size=”large” color=”#719435″ border=”#719435″ text=”grey”]Book A Tee Time Here[/button]